Oceans Alive Conservation Trust was born out of a serious concern and passion for our oceans and our coastal environments and the commitment to funding and supporting scientific research, protection, rehabilitation, conservation, community awareness,, community education, social upliftment and ocean action, which is supported by an amazing and caring group of globally dedicated individuals and organisations.
There is mounting concern over the very real issues of climate change and global warming and the abused and neglected state of our oceans and coastal environments, mainly as a result of unconscious and even conscious human behaviour and irresponsible government and industrial activity.
Oceans Alive Conservation Trust is striving to increase public awareness in an effort to encourage the protection of ocean and coastal wildlife and endangered species by tackling serious issues around chemical and raw sewage pollution, overfishing, illegal activities, the responsible use and disposal and recycling of plastics and synthetic products, engaging with business and the seafood-buying public, and influencing governments and industry policies and communities.
We have a growing network of global donors and supporters who fund our work through strategic partnerships, organisational and public donations, partnership associations, partner collaborations, scientific research programs, research publications, fellowships, memberships, education and training and volunteer programs.
Our critical work ensures on-going scientific, research, protection, rehabilitation, conservation, education, ocean action campaigns and community awareness programs, which all contribute to the understanding of our oceans and the complexities of life within our oceans and our coastal environments, to manage sustainable seafood populations and effectively tackle and deal with ocean pollution and protect ocean and coastal environmental wildlife and habitats from further degradation.